Tragic Dog Attack Claims Life of Infant
In a heartbreaking incident, a seven-month-old infant named Elle Doherty lost her life following a sudden attack by her family’s pet dog. The tragic event unfolded at the family’s home in Coundon on June 16, leading to devastating consequences for the Doherty family.
Circumstances of the Attack
During an inquest held at Coventry Coroner’s Court, it was revealed that Elle was on the floor near her parents when their 31kg Belgian Malinois, named Zeus, unexpectedly attacked her. Area Coroner Delroy Henry stated that the attack lasted “less than a second,” with Zeus being swiftly pulled away by the parents.
Elle sustained severe injuries, including skull fractures and cardiac arrest, and was pronounced dead in the hospital about an hour after the incident. Her parents opted not to attend the inquest, expressing what Mr. Henry described as a “wholly understandable” desire for privacy during this difficult time.
Det Insp Anthony Hibbert noted that surveillance footage captured by an indoor security camera showed the parents' immediate and protective reaction to the situation. He confirmed that both parents acted quickly to separate Zeus from Elle and attempted to assist their daughter.
Witnesses suggested that the attack may have occurred when Elle inadvertently leaned against Zeus, provoking him.
Aftermath and Response
Following the attack, authorities quickly responded by calling in a dog-handler who utilized sedation darts to safely remove Zeus from the premises. Tragically, Zeus was euthanized later that same day.
Mr. Henry emphasized the profound impact of this event on Elle’s family, stating, “This is certainly a tragic incident - a family changed forever.” He expressed heartfelt condolences to Elle’s parents and family during his closing remarks.
The incident raises critical questions about pet safety and supervision around young children. As families continue to navigate pet ownership responsibilities, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that interactions between pets and infants are closely monitored.
Looking ahead, this tragedy serves as a reminder of the potential risks associated with keeping large dogs in homes with small children. Families must remain vigilant and informed about safe practices to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.