Diwali, known as the festival of lights, is being joyously celebrated by millions across India. This significant event in the Hindu calendar typically occurs between October and November, with its specific date changing each year due to the lunar calendar. This year, the main festivities are taking place on Thursday, although some regions will mark the occasion on Friday.
The celebration involves lighting oil lamps and candles, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and the triumph of good over evil. In preparation for Diwali, families engage in thorough cleaning and organizing of their homes. It is customary to purchase new clothing and share sweets and gifts among friends, family, and neighbors. Many people also create vibrant rangoli designs outside their homes using colorful powders to attract good fortune and positivity.
On Diwali, families honor Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth in Hinduism. To invite her presence, they light lamps and leave windows and doors open. Fireworks are a significant aspect of the festivities; however, due to rising air pollution levels in northern India, several state governments have implemented restrictions or outright bans on their use. In Delhi, for example, there is a complete prohibition on the sale and use of firecrackers during the festival period. Other states like Haryana, Punjab, and Karnataka have allowed firecrackers but only during designated hours on Diwali night.
Anticipation is growing for the 2024 Diwali celebrations despite this year’s reduced programming. Additionally, a recent study has shown that encouraging female entrepreneurship can significantly boost women’s participation in the workforce.