Starting in 2025, families with an ISEE income of up to 40,000 euros will be able to benefit from an annual voucher of up to 1,500 euros for each student enrolled in a private school. This measure, the result of an amendment proposed by Fratelli d’Italia MP Lorenzo Malagola, provides for a total funding of 65 million euros per year. However, the implementation of the proposal will require a specific decree from the Ministry of Education.
In parallel, Lega and Fratelli d’Italia are promoting the expansion of pension funds through two amendments to the budget. These proposals would allow workers to transfer their severance pay (TFR) from employers to pension funds, following the silent consent rule.
The amendment presented by Tiziana Nisini establishes a time window from April 1 to September 30, 2025, while Walter Rizzetto’s proposal will start from January 1 of the same year. If the worker does not provide indications within six months, the TFR will be automatically transferred to pension funds.
Increase in minimum pensions
A further amendment, presented by Forza Italia deputies Pella, Cannizzaro, Barelli and Nevi, calls for an increase in minimum pensions in 2025 of 2.7%, compared to the 2.2% initially planned. The necessary resources, equal to 100 million euros, will be recovered from the Fund for urgent needs.
The general secretary of Uil pensioners, Carmelo Barbagallo, underlined the importance of the amendment: “With an inflation of 1%, this increase will bring the monthly pension from 614 euros to 621 euros, allowing pensioners greater spending margins”.
Challenges and future prospects
The national secretary of Fiom Cgil, Samuele Lodi, criticized the only partial restoration of the funds provided for by the stability law, highlighting that it is a paltry sum compared to the 4.6 billion euros cut.
Furthermore, Minister Adolfo Urso announced that ecobonuses will not be proposed again: “We will invest in stable and long-lasting incentives in the automotive sector,” he said. The next discussion at the Mimit will be held on December 16, while social security and school reforms continue to be at the center of political debate.
These measures represent not only a support for families and the elderly but also a response to contemporary economic challenges. Their implementation will have a significant impact on the Italian social system and economy in the coming years.