Pension Funds: Discover the News from Lega and FdI

  • WorldScope
  • |
  • 14 November 2024
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Strengthening Pension Funds: The Proposals of Lega and FdI

The Italian government’s focus is on strengthening pension funds, a crucial issue in a time of growing economic uncertainty. Lega and Fratelli d’Italia (FdI) are advancing two significant amendments to the budget, which could redefine the future of severance pay (TFR) for workers.

Details of the Amendments

The two amendments presented by the majority parties propose the opening of a new semester to allow workers to transfer their severance pay from their company to pension funds.

  • The amendment of the League, signed by Tiziana Nisini, provides for a time window between 1 April and 30 September 2025.
  • The one by FdI, signed by Walter Rizzetto, will come into force from 1 January 2025. In the absence of a choice by the employee within six months, the TFR will be automatically transferred to pension funds by the employer.

Increase in Minimum Pensions and Vouchers for Families

Another significant proposal concerns the increase in minimum pensions in 2025. Forza Italia deputies, including Pella and Cannizzaro, are asking for an increase of 2.7%, higher than the 2.2% initially planned. The necessary financial coverage amounts to 100 million euros and will be recovered from the Fund for non-deferrable needs. In addition, the amendment signed by Lorenzo Malagola (FdI) provides for the introduction of an annual voucher of up to 1,500 euros for each student of families with an ISEE income of up to 40,000 euros. These vouchers will be usable exclusively at private schools, with total funding set at 65 million euros per year.

Reflections on the Future of Automotive

Minister Adolfo Urso expressed concerns about the effectiveness of ecobonuses in the automotive sector. During a meeting at Mimit with Stellantis, he stated that investments have not led to the expected results:

“We will no longer propose the ecobonus measure; instead, we will allocate the resources to support businesses and investments in the automotive supply chain.” Urso also suggested the creation of a European plan with stable incentives to support consumers in the automotive sector. This proposal could represent a significant turning point in the European Union’s strategy towards energy transition and support for businesses. With these initiatives, the financial maneuver aims not only to support workers but also to address future economic challenges in a more structured and effective way.

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