A gesture that changes Milan and promotes reading

  • WorldScope
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  • 13 November 2024
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A gesture of generosity lights up Milan

In Milan, an act of extraordinary generosity has captured the attention of the community. At the independent bookstore Punta alla Luna, an anonymous customer decided to purchase 155 books displayed in the window dedicated to the #ioleggoperché initiative. The intent is clear: to donate these volumes to the schools twinned with the bookstore, contributing to a cause that promotes reading among the youngest.

The challenge #emptyashopwindowforaschool

This gesture is part of the challenge launched by the Italian Publishers Association (AIE) with the initiative #svuotaunavetrinaperunascuola. This campaign invites citizens to make a difference in this year’s edition of #ioleggoperché, by purchasing books from bookshops to donate to schools. The initiative “Svuota la vetrina”, conceived by Daniela Nicolò, was inspired by a similar gesture that took place at the Hoepli bookshop last August. The #ioleggoperché project continues to receive strong support. After the first weekend of donations, in which the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara also participated, many citizens responded to the appeal, contributing generously.

A Promising Future for Reading

With the start of the thirteenth edition of BookCity Milano, the link between this event and #ioleggoperché becomes even stronger. The bookstores involved become meeting points for readers, authors and schools, promoting a culture of reading. In addition, the #ioleggoperchéLAB-NIDI project is expanding its activities to 350 nursery schools in Lombardy and Eastern Piedmont, promoting a love of books from the very early years of life. Finally, a new impetus comes from the world of football: on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 November, 30 stadiums of the Lega Serie C and 5 of the Serie A Femminile will see male and female footballers take to the field with a book in their hands. This symbolic gesture aims to inspire readers of all ages. The campaign is also supported by the historic television series Un posto al sole, which has integrated messages about reading in recent episodes. With these collective initiatives, the future of reading in Italy seems to be bright and full of opportunities for the new generations.

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