Absolute poverty in Italy: a crisis that grows every day

  • WorldScope
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  • 12 November 2024
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Absolute poverty in Italy: a social emergency

In Italy, absolute poverty affects almost 5.7 million people, equivalent to approximately 9.7% of the population. An alarming phenomenon that is reflected in a growing spread of precarious and poorly paid work, which makes it difficult for many to lead a dignified life. The most vulnerable categories are young people and families with children, for whom access to fundamental resources such as education and new technologies is becoming increasingly limited.

Alarming data in the 2024 Report

The 2024 Report on Poverty and Social Exclusion by Caritas Italiana highlights a worrying picture. According to the document, the condition of absolute poverty affects over 2 million families, equal to 8.4% of households. Although the growth of poverty has increased slightly compared to 2022 at the family level, individual data remain stable, still marking the highest level ever recorded.

The longitudinal analysis shows an almost constant increase from 2014 to today. In particular, the percentage of individuals in poverty has increased from 6.9% to 9.7%, while that of families has increased from 6.2% to 8.4%. Particularly alarming is the increase in poor families in Northern Italy, where the number has practically doubled since 2014, going from 506,000 to almost one million, with an increase of 97.2%. In contrast, in the Central and Southern regions the increase has been more contained.

A vicious circle to break

The relationship between poverty and economic opportunity is proving critical in Italy. The Report highlights how economic difficulties tend to repeat themselves from generation to generation. In fact, 34% of Italian adults between 25 and 59 who lived in difficult economic situations when they were young now find themselves in precarious conditions.

In Europe, only Romania and Bulgaria have higher rates of hereditary poverty. This data highlights a structural issue that requires urgent attention. The current situation calls for reflection on how to address such a complex and deeply rooted problem in Italian society. With the World Day of the Poor upon us, the need for targeted policies to combat this phenomenon and ensure opportunities for all emerges.

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