Intesa Ita-Lufthansa: Million-Dollar Investment and Uncertain Future

  • WorldScope
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  • 12 November 2024
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Crucial Agreement between Ita and Lufthansa: A Step Towards the Future

The agreement between Ita Airways and Lufthansa marked a decisive moment for the future of air transport in Italy. With the proposed remedies sent to Brussels, the final green light from the European Commission is now awaited. Signs of optimism come not only from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, but also from the German company, which says it is confident about the imminent approval.

Union Reactions and Investment Prospects

The main trade unions welcomed the agreement, expressing satisfaction for the agreement reached. They underlined the importance of starting a discussion on the industrial level, highlighting the need to integrate workers currently on Cassa Integrazione and stabilize fixed-term contracts. Fabrizio Cuscito, national coordinator of air transport for Filt Cgil, declared:

“We want to know what the industrial plan will be and how much investment is planned to expand the fleet.” Lufthansa has planned a total investment of 829 million euros, with a first tranche of 325 million aimed at the capital increase, which will guarantee it a share of 41% in Ita. A further 325 million is expected in a second phase, with the possibility for the German company to acquire the remaining 10% by 2029.

Proposed Remedies and Competitive Challenges

Among the remedies proposed in Brussels are agreements with Easyjet on short-haul flights and with Air France on intercontinental routes to the United States and Canada. The European Commission has launched an in-depth investigation into the competitive implications of the agreement, concerned about possible reductions in competition. Uiltrasporti has underlined the urgency of thinking about future investments:

“It’s time to think about investments for the new management’s industrial plan.” The deadline for submitting the necessary documents is set for November 11, while the European Antitrust expects rapid feedback that can guarantee the competitiveness of the market.

Towards a New Chapter

The agreement between Ita and Lufthansa represents a significant turning point in the Italian aviation landscape. With the expected approval from the European Commission and the promises of a clear industrial plan, it opens the way to potential opportunities for growth and development in the sector. The collaboration between the companies could not only strengthen Ita’s position in the global market, but also create job stability in an uncertain period for the industry.

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