Transport Strike: Chaos and Disruption Across Italy Today
National Transport Strike: Disruptions Across Italy In a chaotic morning, the 24-hour national strike hit buses, metros and trams across Italy.
The early hours of the day begin with a strong impact: at 5:30 a.m. the 24-hour national strike involving buses, metro and trams throughout Italy began. The mobilization, proclaimed by unions such as Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Faisa Cisal and Ugl Fna, provides for a reduced use of traveling personnel, limited to 30% in the guaranteed bands.
The warranty bands vary depending on the city:
According to the general secretary of Filt Cgil, Stefano Malorgio, participation in the strike reached peaks of 90%, despite the companies' objections regarding the legitimacy of the movement.
The unions called the strike for several crucial reasons:
With the adhesion to the strike that appears “almost total” in several regions such as Umbria and with evident inconveniences in the big cities, the unions are asking for a concrete commitment from the institutions. The need for a discussion table between the competent ministries becomes increasingly urgent to guarantee a sustainable future for local public transport and resolve the problems related to urban mobility in Italy.
National Transport Strike: Disruptions Across Italy In a chaotic morning, the 24-hour national strike hit buses, metros and trams across Italy.
National Public Transport Strike: A Sign of Discontent A 24-hour national strike involving public transport across the country began at 5:30 this morning.