Rail Strike: Workers Protest for Safety After Violence

  • WorldScope
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  • 04 November 2024
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Railway Staff Strike

Tomorrow, from 9 to 17, an 8-hour strike is planned by railway staff, involving Trenitalia, Trenitalia Tper, Fs Security, Italo Ntv and Trenord. This protest action was called following a serious episode of violence: the stabbing of a train conductor on board the regional train Genova-Busalla, near the Rivarolo station.

Reasons for the Strike

The trade unions Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Ugl Ferrovieri, Fast Confsal and Orsa Trasporti have called a strike to denounce an increasingly worrying situation. “This is the latest in a long series of attacks on mobile staff," the unions say. In recent months, there have been numerous episodes of violence that have endangered the safety of workers. Furthermore, union representatives point out that to date there has been no significant intervention to protect staff, nor an increase in checks on trains by the police. This climate of insecurity has pushed workers to mobilize to ask for more effective measures.

Institutions' Reaction

The current situation has also raised concerns among citizens and rail users. The main demand of the unions is to ensure greater protections for staff, so that they can carry out their work in a safe environment. The workers expect concrete answers from the competent institutions and hope that effective strategies will be adopted to combat violence on the railways. The aim is to guarantee the safety of both staff and passengers, creating a climate of trust in the use of public transport. In this context, the strike represents a strong and clear signal from the railway workers, who are asking for attention and immediate intervention to address this increasingly urgent problem.

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