## Hopes for the Future
The secretary of the PD, **Elly Schlein**, expresses a **clear preference** for the victory of *Kamala Harris* in the US elections. She criticizes the Italian government, defining its maneuver as **“recessive”** and underlining that the issue of healthcare is inadequately managed by **Giorgia Meloni**, accusing her of having a plan that favors only those who can afford it.
> "The right wants healthcare that fits people's wallets."
## Centre-left unity
Guest of *Che tempo che fa* on Nove, Schlein argues that the unity of the center-left is fundamental. **“We did well to continue to stubbornly build unity”**, he says, recalling that the real adversary is the right. He also underlines how the PD is growing thanks to its ability not to get lost in internal controversies.
Regarding the third term for Vincenzo De Luca in Campania, Schlein clarifies: **“We are against the third term”** and insists that the rules must apply to everyone.
> "The PD will not support outgoing presidents for a third term."
## Towards the Regional Elections
With regional elections looming in *Umbria and Emilia-Romagna*, Schlein is optimistic. She intends to bring back to the polls those who have become disillusioned: **“We must work to convince those who no longer believe.”**
After the recent challenges, Matteo Renzi warns: **“Without the centrists, the centre-left loses.”** He underlines that internal divisions are one of the reasons for the apparent strength of Meloni, who obtained less than **30%** of consensus.
PD President *Stefano Bonaccini* expressed confidence in the victory in Umbria, stating: **“Here the coalition is united.”** It is essential to avoid vetoes within the center-left and focus on a shared program.
*Goffredo Bettini*, leader of the PD, proposes a flexible but targeted electoral alliance: **“I imagine the construction of a loose-knit electoral alliance.”**
In this complex political context, the internal debate continues as we seek to address future challenges with determination and unity.