Seventeen years after the murder of Meredith Kercher, the British student murdered in Perugia on the night of November 1, 2007, the Umbrian city is preparing to become the set of a new television series dedicated to Amanda Knox, distributed by Hulu, Disney’s streaming platform. This production is made by Knox herself together with Monica Lewinsky, famous for her involvement in the scandal involving former President Bill Clinton. The news was released by local media.
Filming is currently taking place in Orvieto and will move to Perugia from Tuesday to Friday. The series will be shot in various locations in the city’s historic center. According to what was reported by Il Messaggero, the Christmas lights were interrupted at the request of the production to allow filming to take place.
Hulu has ordered eight episodes, each an hour long. The official synopsis clarifies that the series is “based on true events” and tells the story of how Amanda Knox (who was ultimately exonerated) was “wrongfully convicted of Meredith’s murder,” detailing her 16-year quest to prove her innocence.
Now a mother of two, Knox shared her experience in her 2013 memoir Waiting to be Heard. Her story also inspired a Netflix documentary and a Lifetime film titled Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy.