The gap between politics and the judiciary continues to widen. After the criticism by the majority against the Court of Rome for validating the transfer of migrants to Albania and the decisions of the Bologna judges who seek clarification at European level on the countries considered safe for repatriations, now it is the National Association of Magistrates (ANM) that is expressing concern. There is talk of “repeated attacks”, including personal ones, against those magistrates who do not follow the government’s instructions. The League has dismissed the protest as a simple “rally”, inviting the public prosecutors to focus on their work. The Democratic Party has also highlighted the gravity of the situation, stating that we are faced with daily intimidation that delegitimizes the judicial order.
The Central Executive Committee of the ANM met to discuss the current situation, highlighting a tense climate and speaking of “wounds” inflicted on the institutions. The center-right was criticized for its low tolerance for the autonomy of magistrates and for attempting to silence dissenting voices. Furthermore, a hostile attitude was denounced by some media that seek information to attack judges considered “biased”. The president of the ANM, Giuseppe Santalucia, announced an extraordinary assembly in Bologna to address the climate of unease caused by the current political dynamics, highlighting that the task of judges is to protect people’s rights and not to complete the work of the government.
In response, Maurizio Gasparri (Forza Italia) called on the Higher Council of the Judiciary to intervene against those who “boycott” Parliament. The concerns are not only about direct attacks, but also about media attacks. The ANM reported the recent constitutional reforms perceived as harmful and accelerated to intimidate magistrates. Among these reforms, the one on the separation of careers stands out, which the government would like to approve quickly.
Other legislative proposals under discussion include limits on wiretapping and changes to the statute of limitations. The leader of the Five Star Movement in the Justice Commission has stressed that such interventions risk compromising equality before the law and undermining trust in the judicial system. The vice-president of the Commission has accused the government of trying to control the work of judges through unenforceable laws. Finally, a decision on the new members of the Constitutional Court is awaited, with several proposals emerging from both political parties involved in the negotiations.