Dossieraggi are an unacceptable practice that must end. Even more alarming than unauthorized access to data is the presence of “rogue officials” who are supposed to guarantee the security of this information. Giorgia Meloni, commenting on the investigations underway in Milan and perhaps also in Rome, declared that the government will act firmly not only against those who traffic in data, a practice that has been going on for some time, but also against those responsible for monitoring. The prime minister recalled that measures had already been adopted, underlining that further initiatives are being prepared thanks to a dedicated technical table. Meloni cited several worrying cases, including that of a financier from the National Anti-Mafia Directorate who had made unauthorized access to monitor center-right politicians and a bank employee who accessed his family’s bank accounts. These new investigations reveal an intolerable situation: not only are officials violating the regulations, but their superiors are also unaware of the abusive access.
Stopping these practices is a priority for the prime minister, as is fighting illegal immigration. Meloni criticized the positions of the Bologna Court, which referred the decree on safe countries to the European Court of Justice for clarification. She highlighted how historical arguments such as that on Nazi Germany are stronger from a propaganda point of view than from a legal one. She launched a provocation on the fact that Italy might not be considered a safe country and noted that some fear that the proposed measures could hinder irregular immigration. The prime minister expressed concern about attempts to stop the protocol with Albania, considering it crucial to manage migratory flows and revealed that she has received threats from traffickers.
Following the center-right’s success in the recent Liguria elections, Meloni has shown herself determined to face several referendums and has defended her economic maneuver against the unions, accusing them of having a “very small prejudice”. She has rejected criticisms about the alleged cuts to healthcare, saying that investments have increased significantly compared to 2019 and has tried to prove the validity of her claims. Finally, she criticized John Elkann for skipping a hearing in a parliamentary committee, stressing that such an attitude is disrespectful towards the institution. She also spoke about Raffaele Fitto and the need for the Democratic Party to clearly express its position regarding Italy’s role in the European Union.