Tragedy in the world of skiing farewell to Matilde Lorenzi
Matilde Lorenzi, a promising young Italian skier, passed away following an accident during training on the Val Senales glacier in Alto Adige.
Matilde Lorenzi, a promising young Italian skier, has passed away following an accident that occurred during training on the Val Senales glacier in Alto Adige. The news was released via a press release from the Ministry of Defense. The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, expressed his condolences via a message sent to the Chief of Defense Staff, Luciano Antonio Portolano. In his message, Mattarella stated: “I received with deep sadness the news of the death of Matilde Lorenzi, Corporal of the Sports Activities Department of the Alpine Training Center. In this difficult moment, I wish to convey my deepest condolences to the family and share my closeness to the Italian Army”. These words were published on the official website of the Quirinale.
The Ministry of Defense, represented by Minister Guido Crosetto, also shared a post on social media to express its condolences: “We join in an ideal embrace with the family and colleagues of Matilde Lorenzi, an Army athlete and promising young Italian skier, who tragically passed away due to a serious accident during a training session”. The Chief of Staff of the Army, Lieutenant General Carmine Masiello, added: “On behalf of the entire Army family and myself, I would like to extend my most sincere condolences to the family of Corporal VFP4 Matilde Lorenzi, who lost her life in this tragic event while training for the giant slalom in Val Senales (BZ). The entire military institution joins in the grief of her loved ones and expresses deep solidarity in this difficult situation”.
Sofia Goggia, an Italian Olympian, expressed her sad thoughts for the loss of Matilde Lorenzi with a post on Instagram. The athlete shared a photo of the young ski promise along with a short message as a sign of respect and participation in the mourning. The tragic passing of Matilde Lorenzi leaves a void in the world of sports and in the hearts of those who knew her.
Matilde Lorenzi, a promising young Italian skier, passed away following an accident during training on the Val Senales glacier in Alto Adige.
Matilde Lorenzi, a promising young Italian skier, has died after an accident during training on the Val Senales glacier, located in Alto Adige.