Marco Bucci has been elected as the new governor of Liguria, winning a very close race. The margin of votes compared to the approximately 1.4 million voters stands at several thousand. Andrea Orlando, his opponent, contacted Bucci to congratulate him. The center-right expressed satisfaction with the result obtained, highlighting how Liguria is divided between different areas: the center-left was successful in the eastern center, in Genoa and in La Spezia, while the Savona and Imperia areas were strongly oriented towards the center-right, thanks also to the commitment of Claudio Scajola in choosing the candidate Bucci. Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister and leader of FdI, expressed her congratulations on social media, underlining that the united center-right was able to respond to citizens' expectations. She also added that Bucci represents a capable and determined administrator, ready to work for the good of Liguria. Antonio Tajani shared his satisfaction for what he calls “the victory of good government”. Scajola exulted, saying that Bucci will be a great president for the region.
The Democratic Party surprised by exceeding 28% of the votes with a remarkable performance; followed by Fratelli d’Italia with 14.8%, the civic list supporting Bucci at 9.4%, the League at 8.5%, Forza Italia at 7.9%, Avs at 6.2%, Orgoglio Liguria at 5.7%, Orlando president at 5.4% and the Cinque Stelle dropped to 4.6%. Compared to the previous elections in which Giovanni Toti was reconfirmed with over 56% of the total votes supported by the entire center-right, the current numbers are lower. Toti resigned due to legal problems but remained present during the electoral campaign supporting Bucci.
In the center-left, the strong decline of the Five Star Movement is clearly evident, having seen a significant decrease compared to the last elections. Orlando and Schlein had focused on the ‘broad field’ to try to take back the region after nine years of center-right government but they probably did not expect such a negative result nor the haemorrhage of votes of the M5S. The internal divisions between Giuseppe Conte and Beppe Grillo have negatively affected the situation of the party. Renzi commented by saying that today Conte and those who cast vetoes have lost.