Health Inequalities and Innovation The Future of Health Explained

  • WorldScope
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  • 28 October 2024
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Inequalities in the healthcare sector, prevention, access to innovation and the healthcare professions of the future are crucial topics for the new generations. These themes have been highlighted within the project “Partners for the Future”, which has started a dialogue with the institutions to develop concrete operational strategies. During an event organized by Novartis, entitled “Partners for the Future”, which will be streamed on on Tuesday 29 October at 11:00, these lines of action will be presented.

The event will feature leading figures in the fields of healthcare and social policies. Speakers include Mattia Altini, President of the Italian Society of Leadership and Management in Medicine (SIMM). In addition, Valentino Confalone, Country President of Novartis Italy, will bring his corporate experience. Antonio Gaudioso, an expert in healthcare policies, will contribute his analytical vision. Barbara Mangiacavalli, President of the National Federation of Nursing Professions (FNOPI), which represents the interests of nurses at the national level, will also be present.

Francesco Marchionni will speak as Presidential Advisor and Deputy Health Delegate of the National Youth Council. Gaetano Piccinocchi, National Treasurer of the Italian Society of General Practitioners and Primary Care (SIMG), will bring an important perspective on territorial medicine. Finally, Roberta Siliquini, President of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (S.I.t.I.), will complete the panel with her expertise in public health.

This meeting represents an important opportunity for discussion between different realities of the world of healthcare and related professions. The collaboration between the institutions and the various actors involved aims to give voice to the needs of the younger generations regarding the improvement of access to healthcare services and innovation in the sector. The goal is to build a more equitable and efficient healthcare system that can respond to future challenges and guarantee a better quality of life for all citizens.

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