The investigation into cyber attacks and the news that emerges daily on the issue are alarming. We are witnessing a national security system that shows clear vulnerabilities, used by the right wing in government for questionable purposes such as dossiers and internal conflicts. It is essential that the Prime Minister appear urgently in Parliament: it is necessary to clarify how the SDI system has been compromised, with cyber attacks that appear to involve the highest offices of the State. This request comes from a note from the group leaders of the Partito Democratico, Francesco Boccia and Chiara Braga.
Senator Matteo Renzi has instructed his lawyers to intervene as civil parties in all proceedings relating to espionage and unauthorized dissemination of illegally obtained documents. In the coming days, Renzi will present a parliamentary question to obtain information on what measures the National Cybersecurity Agency is adopting to protect the fundamental rights of Italian citizens, rights guaranteed by the Constitution but compromised by illicit acts of espionage. This is what was reported in an official note.